Comparativa de traductores de Español a Ingles 4:28

Texto en Español:

Primero elige un texto en español de como mínimo 25 palabras.
En segundo lugar buscar tres aplicaciones de traducción online.
Tercero. Realiza la traducción del texto elegido en las tres aplicaciones.
Cuarto. En tu blog debes poner el texto español original, las tres traducciones y una opinión tuya sobre cuál crees que es la mejor traducción.

Texto Traducido con(ELMUNDO.ES)

First a text chooses in Spanish of since(as,like) minimum 25 words.
Secondly to look for three applications of translation online.
Third. It(he,she) realizes the translation of the text chosen in three applications.
Quarter(Room). In your blog you must put the Spanish original text, three translations and your opinion about which you believe that it is the best translation.

Texto traducido con(

First select a text in Spanish of at least 25 words.
Secondly find three uses of online translation.
Third. Performs the translation of the text selected in the three applications.
Fourth. In your blog you should put the original Spanish text, the three translations and an opinion on what you think is the best translation.

Texto traducido con(Traductor de google)

First select a text in Spanish of at least 25 words. Secondly find three uses of online translation. Third. Performs the translation of the text selected in the three applications. Fourth. In your blog you should put the original Spanish text, the three translations and an opinion on what you think is the best translation.